Brij Cement provides free water and medical support to pilgrims during last Monday of Shrawan

Brij Cement has partnered with Lions and Leo Club Chabhil to provide free drinking water, fruit juice and medical support to the pilgrims at eight different locations between Pasupatinath and Sundarijal during the last Monday of Shrawan.

The health camp benefited 2000 plus pilgrims where more than 150 volunteers provided service, as per the media statement.

Hybrid Health Camp on the fourth Monday of Shrawan at Pashupatinath Temple

Brij Cement collaborated with the Lions Club of Kathmandu, Chabahil to organize a Hybrid Health Camp on the fourth Monday of Shrawan at Pashupatinath Temple providing services such as Online Diabetes Awareness and Physical Diabetes, General Health and Blood Pressure Check Up and the distribution of Drinking Water and Masks.


Financial Support to the member of Brij Expert Mason Club

Brij Cement Industry Pvt. Ltd has provided additional benefits to the members of Brij Expert Mason Club. The company has provided Rs. 500,000 financial assistance to the family of a member of the club who died recently as he was squeezed in between a demolished house. Bom Bahadur Malla, 39, a member of the club and his wife and son were killed on the spot. Brij Cement has transferred Rs. 500,000 as insurance to the grieving family.
Narayan GC, Area Sales Manager of the company has handed over a check of Rs 500,000 to Kumari Malla, daughter of the deceased. Brij Cement has introduced insurance plan of Rs. 500,000 for the members of the Brij Cement Expert Mason Club.